By Darragh Murray
I’ve been fairly nonchalant about music in 2012. In fact, I feel like music has beaten me up and stole my lunch money.
As per usual, I’ve spent much of the last six month listening to stuff not released in 2012. Mid-90s Yo La Tengo records, The Go Betweens’ Liberty Belle And The Black Diamond Express, and The Twerps’ 2011 debut all feature very heavily. Beyond that, I’m not sure music has managed to grab my attention like it usually does.
But since it’s July, another month that inevitably breeds lists, I’ve managed to pool my resources and compile a list of tracks into a handy list-like format. Some I’ve loved for a while, others I only heard last week and I may or may not hate next week. So take this list as a moment in time. A similar list at the end of the year will inevitably be much different.
Let’s start with something Australian.
Lower Plenty – Hard Rubbish
Lower Plenty’s Hard Rubbish is the best record I’ve heard this year. The band is an amalgamation of people from Dick Diver, UV Race, Total Control and god knows who else. ‘Nullarbor’ is the obvious favourite on this record – a haunting tale of breakup and breakdown set against a depressing Australia landscape. Cathartic.
Radio fodder but it’s an addictive tune and I’m powerless before its might. K-pop? I don’t even know what that is.
Scott and Charlene’s Wedding – ‘Gammy Leg’
Who knew a song about a potential workplace health and safety violation could be so catchy? From the Peak Twins/Scott and Charlene’s Wedding split 7-inch.
Tiny Spiders – ‘Fresh Pots’
This is actually an instrumental track off Brisbane duo Tiny Spiders’ debut record. The record is great, but I particularly love the guitar riff in this one, which apparently is the result of a dream Cam Smith had about Dave Grohl.
Sky Needle – ‘Lemur’
Home made instruments and Sarah Byrne’s great voice.
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